Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Rhyme and Reason

-Dave Matthews Band

Day 39 of marriage
Day 2 of blogging

Last night, I got my big wedding present from the Mrs.  She bought us tickets to see the Dave Matthews Band way back in April, and we finally got to cash them in.  She's not a She wasn't a Dave Matthews Band fan, so you can appreciate how sweet and kind a gift it was.  She decided to pay way too much money to stand for some three hours in a crowded arena that stinks with the stench of some 17,000 people (yes, 34,000 armpits); to be elbowed by the woman next to her, to cringe every time the woman next to her decided to scream her dog-whistle-meets-fog-horn scream;  to watch the five couples within our immediate vicinity forget that they were in public and press their bodies together (not with the beat, and) in vulgar ways.  And most of all, she overcame her fear of 24 minute long jam sessions.  Especially those involving her most hated instrument - the saxophone (which I play...  er, used to play).

It's the kind of selfless love that is a good sign for a budding marriage.

But I think she had fun, too.  A few notes:

1)  Dave Matthews Band has more control over dynamics than any band I've ever heard.
2)  Drum solos are more impressive when the drummer is blowing bubbles with bubble gum the whole time, as if to say "It ain't no thang."
3)  24 minute jams can be fun for a bored vocalist if you point out to her the bassist's funny dance, or fun things the drummer is doing.
4)  Crowds scream at the strangest times during violin solos.
5)  Most importantly, I love my wife very much, and am glad that we can bond over music.

That's all for today, kiddos.
- Mr.

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